Advisor-advisee communication: An exploratory study examining interpersonal communication variables in the graduate advisee-advisor relationship Communication Quarterly, 52 224-236.

Understanding the psychometric properties of the Humor Assessment instrument through an analysis of the relationships between teacher humor assessment and instructional communication variables in the college classroom Communication Research Reports, 21 92-103.

Increasing patient satisfaction and compliance: An examination of physician humor orientation, compliance-gaining strategies, and perceived credibility Communication Quarterly, 51 482-503.

A communibiological explanation of ethnocentrism and homophobia Communication Research Reports, 20 24-33.

The impact of sexual orientation and temperament on physical and verbal aggression Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 31 85-106.

A temperamental understanding of humor communication and exhilaratability Communication Quarterly, 49 142-159.

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The effects of body image perceptions and sociocommunicative orientations on self-esteem, depression, and identification and involvement in the gay community Journal of Homosexuality, 55 471-503.

Advisor-advisee communication three: Graduate students’ perceptions of verbal aggression, credibility, and conflict styles in the advising relationship Education, 128 579-587.

An examination of reliability and validity of the Religious Communication Apprehension Scale Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 37 1-15.

The influence of graduate advisor use of interpersonal humor on graduate students The National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Journal, 28 54-72.

The relationship between computer-mediated-communication competence, apprehension, self-efficacy, perceived confidence, and social presence Journal of Communication, 72 355-378.

Laughing before takeoff: Humor, sex, and the preflight safety briefing Human Communication, 10 381-399.

Superior/subordinate relationships: Understanding the effects of a supervisor’s temperament on employee motivation, job satisfaction, perception’s of a superior’s socio-communicative style, and superior’s level of approachability. Communication Quarterly, 55 129-153.

The influence of perceived risk knowledge on risk communication Communication Research Reports, 24 63-70.

The impact of crisis communication on levels of acute-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States Journal of the Wisconsin Communication Association, 26 30-45.

Religious fundamentalism and intercultural communication: The relationships among ethnocentrism, intercultural communication apprehension, religious fundamentalism, homonegativity, and tolerance for religious disagreements Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 35 23-44.

Development and validity testing of the Homonegativity Short Form Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 34 152-165.

Advisor-advisee communication two: The influence of verbal aggression and humor assessment on advisee perceptions of advisor credibility and affective learning Communication Research Reports, 22 303-313.

Communicative differences between domestic and foreign instructors Higher Learning Research, 4 (4), 30-42.

Comparing undergraduate and graduate perspectives of adviser interactional justice, sociocommunicative style, and credibility Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal

The relationship between religious followers’ functional and relational goals and perceptions of religious leaders’ use of instructional communication Human Communication, 13

A quantitative analysis of political affiliation, religiosity, and religious-based communication Journal of Communication & Religion, 33 1-32.

Views from the branch: Faculty, staff, and students’ perspectives of communication and competition with a main campus The AURCO Journal, 16 191-221.

The development and validity testing of the Sexual Communication Style Scale Human Communication, 12 421-445.

Development and validity testing of the Risk Communicator Style Scale Human Communication, 13 233-257.

Understanding College Students’ Perceptions Regarding Mindfulness: The Impact on Intellectual Humility, Faith Development, Religious Communication Apprehension, and Religious Communication Journal of Religion and Health

Analyzing College Students’ Social Media Communication Apprehension Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 21 511-515

Investigating the relationships among college students’ satisfaction, addiction, needs, communication apprehension, motives, and uses & gratifications with Snapchat Computers in Human Behavior, 75 870-875.

“I am spiritual, not religious”: Examination of the Religious Receiver Apprehension Scale Journal of Communication & Religion, 39 72-91.

Affective learning: evolving from values and planned behaviors to internalization and pervasive behavioral change Communication Education, 64 497-499.

Mindful classroom communication Mindful classroom communication: How does mindfulness interact with select instructional communication measures? Journal of Interactive Learning Research.

Understanding college students’ perceptions regarding mindfulness and social media. Understanding college students’ perceptions regarding mindfulness and social media. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 10(2), 27-45.Understanding college students’ perceptions regarding mindfulness and social media.