Contact Information
Dr. Jason S. Wrench
Associate Professor
State University of New York at New Paltz
JASON S. WRENCH (Ed.D., West Virginia University) is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Communication at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Dr. Wrench specializes in workplace learning and performance, or the intersection of instructional communication and organizational communication. His varied research interests include communibiology, computer-mediated communication, empirical research methods, humor, risk/crisis communication, and supervisor-subordinate interactions. Dr. Wrench regularly consults with individuals and organizations on workplace communication and as a professional speech coach for senior executives. JASON S. WRENCH (Ed.D., West Virginia University) is an associate professor and former chair of the Department of Communication at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Dr. Wrench has published ten books: Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking (2nd ed., 2017, Flat World Knowledge), Quantitative Research Methods for Communication: A Hands-On Approach (3rd ed., 2016, Oxford University Press), Organizational Communication: Theory, Research, and Practice (2015, Flat World Knowledge), Training & Development: The Intersection of Communication & Talent Development in the Modern Workplace (2015, Kendall Hunt), Communication Apprehension, Avoidance, and Effectiveness (2013, Allyn & Bacon), The Directory of Communication Related Mental Measures (Summer 2010, National Communication Association), Human Communication in Everyday Life: Explanations and Applications (2008, Allyn & Bacon), Principles of Public Speaking (2003, The College Network), Intercultural Communication: Power in Context (2000, Tapestry Press), and Communication, Affect, and Learning in the Classroom (2000, Tapestry Press). Dr. Wrench is also the editor of five collections: The Impact of Social Media in Modern Romantic Relationships (2017, Lexington Press), Casing Sport Communication (2015, Kendall-Hunt), Casing Public Relations (2014, Kendall-Hunt), Casing Organizational Communication (2011, Kendall-Hunt), Workplace Communication for the 21st Century: Tools and Strategies that Impact the Bottom Line: Vol. 1. Internal Workplace Communication and Vol. 2. External Workplace Communication (2013, both with Praeger). Furthermore, Dr. Wrench has published over 30 research articles that have appeared in various journals: Communication and Religion, Communication Education, Communication Quarterly, Communication Research Reports, Computers in Human Behavior, Education, Human Communication, Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, Southern Communication Journal, The Source: A Journal of Education, and The NACADA Journal (National Association of Campus Advising).Rushmore is one of England’s
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